David Paulides is a retired police officer that has a great channel highlighting the cases of individuals that have gone missing often under very peculiar circumstances. Dave has published numerous books and produced a few great documentaries on the subject that you can find at his website.
I dont get much time to read due to my extremely challenging work schedules. So I very much appreciate the time Dave takes with his presentations talking about these cases so I can listen while im working. In my opinion he really makes a sincere effort to bring factual context and more importantly a face to these missing individuals.
Occasionally Dave will also discuss mental health topics and is a huge advocate for the support of that subject as well.
He also loves his dog Huck. She inspired this bit of animation based on the MGM Lion and Mary Tyler Moore logos. Her cheeky side eye at the beginning of most of Dave's videos cracks me up.
Click on the image to see the animation: